September 27, 2012 - Some flowers and fruits

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    The Hibiscus moscheutos probably gets this week's prize for showiest flower. I was more partial to the Colletia hystrix, though, maybe because I'm so excited to get those tiny flowers in focus. I'm sure I'll be posting it when it's in full bloom, and then when it has its fruits.
    20120927_UBCBG_HibiscusMoscheutos_Cutler_P1330332.jpg 20120927_UBCBG_ColletiaHystrix_Cutler_P1330231.jpg

    Nadia posted Zenobia pulverulenta flowers in this thread: What we don't see everyday on streets. There are still flowers, and now lots of fruits as well.
    20120927_UBCBG_ZenobiaPulverulenta_Cutler_P1330347ps.jpg 20120927_UBCBG_ZenobiaPulverulenta_Cutler_P1330370ps.jpg 20120927_UBCBG_ZenobiaPulverulenta_Cutler_P1330344ps.jpg

    Speaking of what we don't see every day, Ilex verticillata was new to us. The Hippophae rhamnoides was posted earlier. It still looks the same, even after all the berries we've eaten.
    20120927_UBCBG_IlexVerticillata_Cutler_P1330284ps.jpg 20120927_UBCBG_HippophaeRhamnoides_Cutler_P1330264.jpg

    Here's one we do see every day - Viburnum davidii, with its electric blue berries.
    20120927_UBCBG_ViburnumDavidii_Cutler_P1330216.jpg 20120927_UBCBG_ViburnumDavidii_Cutler_P1330219.jpg

    And last, one with fruits from outer space - Kirengeshoma palmata.
    20120927_UBCBG_KirengeshomaPalmata _Cutler_P1330202.jpg
    I think this is the only one in this posting from the Asian Garden.
  2. Nadia White Rock

    Nadia White Rock Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    White Rock Canada
    Zenobia pulverulenta flowers

    I would like to add my June pictures of Zenobia pulverulenta flowers.

    Attached Files:

  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    That Colletia hystrix in the first posting - it's supposed to be the species, not the 'Rosea' cultivar, but here's a photo of the buds today. They seem to have the same colouring as the garden's 'Rosea' that was featured in POTD in 2006.

    I mentioned elsewhere that the 'Rosea' didn't look like it had ever flowered. What's there now seems to be one new shoot attached to an old plant that has been completely cut back. [Edited Oct 19, 2012: I'm adding a photo of it. The newest growth is a healthier darker green.]
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012

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