September 7, 2012 - Berries and fruits

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I'd like to say these are the highlights from this week not posted elsewhere, but what it's come down to is, these are the ones most in focus.

    This Atropa Belladonna, deadly nightshade, is in the Physic Garden. These shiny berries that reflect the sky are very attractive - one can only imagine how many people must have been taken by them. Nadia was into dark berries, and we'd photographed the flowers on this Alangium platanifolium in the Asian Garden many times, so here, on the right, are the berries.
    20120907_UBCBG_AtropaBelladonna_Cutler_P1310652.jpg 20120907_UBCBG_AlangiumPlatanifolium_Cutler_P1310885.jpg

    More dark berries - this Clematoclethra scandens ssp. hemsleyi is one of the climbers to the right at the Moon Gate as you leave the Asian Garden.
    20120907_UBCBG_ClematoclethraScandensSubspHemsleyi_Cutler_P1310812.JPG 20120907_UBCBG_ClematoclethraScandensSubspHemsleyi_Cutler_P1310813.jpg

    To the left of the Moon Gate is this Schisandra sphenanthera. I think the fruits will get as red as the paint on the post, but the colour right now is beautiful.
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    Speaking of red as the post, here's one of a lot of Sorbus in the garden, Sorbus sudetica. This little shrub is in a European area of the alpine garden. The second photo is Sambucus nigra f. laciniata, to the right of the north steps of the Pavilion.
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    Up at the north end of the North Garden are these two Hamamelis. They're both Hamamelis x intermedia; on the left is 'Carmine Red', and the other is 'Orange Beauty', with smaller fruits.
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    This is Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea, an Asian tree in the winter garden. The leaves on this have five leaflets. I've never really gotten a Staphylea photo in focus and I've been trying for three years.

    I'm still trying to learn Deutzia; this is Deutzia pulchra, in the Asian Garden, with very strange fruits.
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    [Edited]Forgot one - I think this is Fuchsia cv. 'Pat's Dream', in the bed to the north of the Pavilion. Fuchsia are so commonly planted here, you'd think I'd know what the fruits look like, but I was really surprised to see these.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2012

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