Appreciation: August magnolia blooms

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by wcutler, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    The quote is from the Magnolia blooming again thread. Here are some magnolias I've seen in the first two weeks of August. These all bloomed a few months ago.
    1. M. x soulangeana (saucer magnolia), I think a private planting, in the West End
    2. M. liliiflora 'Nigra' (according to the list in The Natural History of Stanley Park, Discovery Press, 1988), in the Rhody Garden in Stanley Park.
    3. M. 'Yellow Bird', a cross between Magnolia acuminata and Magnolia brooklynensis 'Evamaria' (the ID is from the city's tree list, and the rest is from Wikipedia).
    20120806_Chilco-Barclay_MagnoliaXSoulangiana_Cutler_P1290482.jpg 20120815_RhodyPath_MagnoliaLiliifloraNigra_Cutler_P1300117.jpg 20120815_ComoxBroughton_MagnoliaYellowBird_Cutler_P1300108.jpg

    Here are two Magnolia grandiflora, which are supposed to be blooming now.
    4. M. grandiflora, cultivar unknown, in a back yard in South Vancouver
    5. M grandiflora 'Goliath', from UBC Botanical Garden.
    20120811_SouthVan_MagnoliaGrandiflora_Cutler_P1290842.jpg 20120808_UBCBG_MagnoliaGrandifloraGoliath_Cutler_P1290692.jpg

    I also saw an Oyama magnolia flower today. They're supposed to keep blooming until late summer.

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