Arbutus: Arbutus Unedo Sun or Shade

Discussion in 'Ericaceae (rhododendrons, arbutus, etc.)' started by PinkieT, May 11, 2007.

  1. PinkieT

    PinkieT Member

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    N Delta
    I was thinking I would like to try a Arbutus unedo in my garden. The conditions seem right for North Delta BC although I do expect it to be a tender shrub. My question is should it be planted in full sun or partial shade. My Sunset "Gardening with Shade" tells me it needs Part shade and moderate water. The BBC website tells me to plant it in a well drained sheltered site in full sun. Which is it? Does anyone know a nursery where I can get an Elfin King variety?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Prone to frost damage in coldest winters and spotting and blackening of foliage under damp conditions (as are related Arctostaphylos). Choose the warm sunny position, where bitter winds may be deflected and foliage warms and dries as quickly as possible after rains.

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