Pest ID

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by Dawnss, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. Dawnss

    Dawnss Member

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    Edmonton. AB, Canada
    Hello. I have found an insect pest on the underside of the leaf of a juvenile bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) tree and wonder if anyone knows what it is. The only sign was this: an oval, fuzzy egg case (I think) that looked like a small pussy willow seed head. It was about 0.7 cm long and 0.5 cm wide and was securely attached to the main middle vein of each leaf. I found about 7 of them, all on the underside of leaves. I broke open the fussy ball but could not see anything with the naked eye. I did not have my glasses with me and we have no microscopes or other aids where I work. I am in Edmonton, AB.

    Thank you for your help


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