My poor apricot tree...

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by ronedwards, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. ronedwards

    ronedwards Member

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    Howdy - just trying my luck. Just have a question re my apricot tree. It's had freckling of the fruit for the last 3 summers. I've sprayed it with copper oxy and white oil mix for the last 3 years, doesn't seem to have made any difference. This year I sprayed it at the end of winter, when I saw the first signs of buds and then again 3 weeks later. Now all the leaves are falling off and have marks and discolourations. Looks like freckle of the leaves...... I'm hoping you can tell me what it is and what I should do?

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  2. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Copper sulfate and light oil applied as a dormant
    spray will help but for some varieties of Apricots
    that are more susceptible to this disease than others,
    we also should use a fungicide in early Spring right
    before and as the buds are swelling. I've used Ziram
    mixed with Copper sulfate and water for this disease
    and have had good results as a preventative sprayed
    at green tip and the popcorn stages.

    You may want to read this below.

    UC Management Guidelines for Shot Hole Disease on Apricot.


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