My outdoor palm tree is dying, please help

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by bekool, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. bekool

    bekool Member

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    Las Vegas
    My outdoor palm tree has stopped growing palms at the top. I live in Las Vegas and have attached a photo of my tree. The palm tree is getting water so that is not the problem. Could this have anything to do with my dog going to the bathroom often in the area? I have lived in my home for 4 years and this just recently began to happen. Does anyone know what could be going on? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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    Last edited: Aug 9, 2005
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Try doing a google search: palm Fusarium wilt
  3. bekool

    bekool Member

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    Las Vegas
    I did some research on "palm Fusarium wilt" and it seems that it only affects Canary Island Date Plams. I do not think that mine is a Canary Island Date Palm, or is it? Also it seems as the diesese progresses that one side of the tree dies first. Mine showed no signs of one side dying out first. Are there any other possible causes?
  4. I am having difficulty with my palm. Out of nowhere...about 2-3 weeks ago in the soil there appeared a yellow liquid. Unsure I monitored it. Now there are about 6 rounded spikes growing. I don't know what they are. Is my plant in danger. How can I get rid of them if it is. Haven't noticed anything dying yet....but should I be watching for it. the crown is still healthy. Very strange. Should I be expecting something else? Is there a special way to rid the plant of these things? Please help. Have had the plant for 4 years. It is special.

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