Eastern Ky Berry tree?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by JStevens, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. JStevens

    JStevens Member

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    Richmond KY
    Hi everyone, I just joined the forum. So, I'm tring to ID these trees that grow in the area were my folks live. I don't have a pic to post so I will give a general description.

    Description, Height about 8-12 ft tall, multiple branching from the ground up, the leaves are green oval and about 1 ½ inch x ¾ inch, the berries grow in small clusters are slightly larger than a pea, and are red. Also, the berries have a large seed inside and seem to be eatable. These little trees grow rapidly and sporadically, and spread I believe via the roots as well as by seed. I transplanted a few small saplings into my yard along the fence, and in one year, they are providing a good breaker between my house and the neighbors.

    I don’t have any idea about the name of the tree or the origin, but I suspect the people in charge of the mining reclamation choose these trees for their quick proliferation and berry production.

  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Hard to go from a description, but a single large seed sounds like it could be a cherry. Look up Prunus virginiana (Chokecherry) and see if that matches.
  3. JStevens

    JStevens Member

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    Richmond KY
    Thanks for the reply. I checked out the Chokecherry trees and there are some similarities. The blooms are yellow and the leaves are much the same. However the Chokecherry trees are much larger. Perhaps the trees that Im attempting to ID are more likely shrubs. Also, the fruit from these plants is bright red. Thanks so much for your suggestion.

  4. JStevens

    JStevens Member

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    Richmond KY
    Here is the web site with pics and description:


    I finally figured out what this trees are: Autumn Olive or Silverberry(Elaegnus umbellata).

    Apparently this is a very invasive shrub, that will out compete the native plants. Not good!, this stuff is growing strong in eastern Kentucky. I guess its good for turkey and deer etc, but a it will not be good for the re-growth of the native plants.

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