Identification: Please ID: purple leaves, tiny flowers

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by jr2006, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. jr2006

    jr2006 Member

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    New York
    Hi -

    I once worked in an office and took care of a plant in that I absolutely loved - but no one knew what it was called and I had to leave it when I left the office. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me identify it so I could try to find another one.

    The plant generates lots of very slim stems, which I think were translucent and yellowish/whitish. Each slim stem has 3 leaves at the top. The leaves are dark purple, sometimes they start out dark green (I think). The leaves are sort of heart-shaped, but more triangular. Each leaf is divided down the center of the heart - from the "v" to the point - and sometimes the leaves close up along this center line. The pointed end of the leaves meet in the center (so that together, their shape is sort of like a 3-leafed clover).

    Some of the stems don't produce leaves - instead, they produce tiny, bell-shaped white or lavender flowers.

    It grew indoors but I've also seen it in a window box once. It seemed to like to be watered at least once a week. If it needed water, the stems would start to droop - but water would perk them right up again.

    I hope this is enough information. If not, I can try to answer any questions that might help ID this plant.

    Thanks very much!
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Sounds like a type of Oxalis triangularis, Purple Shamrock.
  3. jr2006

    jr2006 Member

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    New York
    That's it - thanks so much for your help!

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