Spring 2014 pics

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Schattenfreude, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Schattenfreude

    Schattenfreude Active Member

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    6a • Independence, Missouri USA
    I realize that many of us still aren't seeing too many signs of spring yet, despite the calendar date, but many are. So please share your pics here. I know that I sure could use some hope and inspiration for the upcoming weeks.

    I'm finally seeing buds swell on most of my maples. HOORAY! The furthest along is my Mai kujaku/Aconitifolium. (yes, we had a light dusting of snow last night....)

    Welcome Springtime!!
    Kevin in KC

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  2. seventrees

    seventrees Active Member

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    Louisiana, USA
    Although winter was unusually cold and long, spring has now taken over. Below are a few of my early to leaf potted maples, Kawahara Rose, Katsura, and Yuri Hime. Red leaf cultivars are a little behind the greens.

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  3. Houzi

    Houzi Active Member 10 Years

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    Kent England
    Ah,great to see winter's finally on the wane for you guys :)
    Just a couple of pics before I remove the frost fleeces,nothing special or rare.
    Been without a green dissectum for a couple of years so bought this little 'Filligree' after seeing all your recommendations.
    My 'airy' 'Shishigashira'...obviously been grown fast but I quite like it as I love the smooth green bark which is so often hidden...a lovely contrast in autumn.
    A.S.'Aurem'..never seen them this big or this colour before though it's catching quite a bit of sun.I know if you can get the light just so it can resemble 'Autumn Moon's colours...I'll see how it goes in it's new position.
    Shiny olive green leaves of acer conspicuum 'Phoenix'.
    Last chance to see Shaina's crazy branching before it dissappears behind a dense red carpet.

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  4. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    After a cool winter but too rainy, rejoicing.
    -low shishigashira during rain to day, under trifidum not yet awake. (now, i think probably kamagata; edit)
    -koto-hime, exceptionally red after two weeks in full sun.

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    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  5. Houzi

    Houzi Active Member 10 Years

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    Kent England
    Yes the rain hmmm,with you on that one Opusoculi.Never seen Shishigashira grown like that before...liking that A LOT! :)
  6. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    I think we're finally starting to see the last gasps of winter here too (thank goodness!). Yesterday was my first opportunity to get out and really go through the pots I'd kept under the deck over winter. Overall, I am very pleased with how well they came through the cold and I am hopeful that I won't encounter all the losses later this spring that I've had to endure the past few years. Of all the maples and conifers, there are only a few that concern me.

    Firstly, my lovely Squitty. Overall it looks good, and while it is hard to fully examine all the branches due to the congested growth, I have notice a few darkened splotches on a couple of the branches, as well as some wrinkled bark. I would love to hear others' thoughts on this.

    Secondly, Lima Gold. It looks very good, but I did notice a darker splotch at the base of the trunk, right by the graft union. I am hoping this is nothing, but will be watching very closely...

    Thirdly, Usugumo. Overall it looks good, but I think there is some die-back at the tip. Of the three, this is the one I'm least concerned about.

    I also have two dwarf Sitka spruces, Silberzwerg and Renken. As you can see, Silberzwerg is losing a LOT of needles. Is this normal? I know pines can shed in fall, but I don't know if spruces do something similar. It is budding nicely, and all the branches (and remaining needles) are nice and supple. Renken is also shedding, though not nearly so much as the other. Unfortunately, I did lose one of my Black Dragon cedars and the verdict is still out on my Weeping Spanish Cypress.

    Other than that, all other maples are in various stages of budding, with Kawaii leading the pack. There are already a couple of buds opening, with one or two very small new leaves falling prey to the colder nights of this past weekend. Akane is not far behind, nor is Aekan Ie's and Ryusen. I can't wait for the burst of color that will be coming in the next month! :)

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  7. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Thanks, a lot yes.
    Circumstance 1
    - This photo taken during shower shows how havy is rains for Mapples;
    but this beautiful apparence is not permanent. Some hours after, branches set up again and it's not the same.
    Circumstances 2
    - sold as shishigashira, had been planted in 2003 under others trees - never take sun, never saw the blue of sky - it takes only latteraly moderate light - this subject needs realy more light for right up growing.
    Since 2003 it only grows on sideways...

    It's so beautifull , i come to love rain with him ...
    When it rains, i go out to see how it makes show .

    Perhaps it's not exactly a shishigashira, in this case , sorry , i would not agree any other name, only "bountifully" .(even it is a kamagata; edit)

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  8. Jaybee63

    Jaybee63 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Fareham, Hampshire. Hi UK
    It looks stunning growing the way it is. Maybe incorrectly labelled but still a beautiful specimen.
    A more upright growth habit would spoil its overall appearance,
  9. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Thanks Jaybee.
    Some more pics for Shattenfreude.

    I would say , i share with thoses who are concerned by losses of freeze.

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  10. Schattenfreude

    Schattenfreude Active Member

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    6a • Independence, Missouri USA
    Merci bien, Opusoculi. J'adore surtout l'image n.3 de ta forêt d'érables japonais!! Quelle jolie image! Toutes ces images nous aident à attendre nos propres débourrages, j'en suis sûr.

    Kevin in KC
  11. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Ah ! Bien sympathique ta réponse !

    Come in , please .

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  12. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    April Fools Day came early to NE Ohio. This snow is no joke!

    In the second photo, can you find the snow made inch worm in the middle of his crawl?

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  13. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Yes we do , since as this memory winter is a worm !

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  14. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    You have good eyes! I did not see that one, but now I see it every time I look at the picture. I saw this worm in the brown box.

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  15. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    The 1st of April 2014 what a glorious day this as been in the north of England this time last year we were coated with a huge layer of snow and the JM looked so sorry for themselves but what a difference 12 months makes!!

    Have just returned from my local nursery where t shirt and shorts were the prefered items of clothing to be worn (wow) sun roof fully opened and driver seat window down.

    The Maples are really starting to burst into life now few pics enclosed:
    Pic 1 Kashima always first out, behind a Peve Chameleon in pot, behind that my Orange dream starting to show it's orange hue

    Pic 2 Baldsmith
    Pic 3 Ornatum

    Really feel for you guys in the snow hope you don't have to many lost to the awful weather you had over the past few months.

    Sure spring will come soon and you can return to normal.

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  16. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    It's been warmer the past few days - 60s and 70s - and with last night's first thunderstorm of the season (5/8" of sorely needed rain), things should really start kicking into gear. Some maples are still in the minor bud-swelling stage, but many have started opening.

    I love the colors of Akane in the spring; I can't wait for it to fully open! Ryusen just might be the furthest along of my maples (apologies for the bad lighting - the sun came out just as I was taking the picture), but Kawaii is not far behind. Aekan Ie's, Sherwood Elfin, and Otome zakura should be making their appearance shortly.

    The tree I am most concerned about is my Squitty. There are several dark splotches on many of the branches, and a couple of the branches have a wrinkled appearance. Anyone care to chime in on what it's prospects are?? Lima Gold had a dark mark at the graft union, but it now looks more brown in the center and the dark doesn't appear to have spread, so I'm hoping the damage (from frost??) isn't too deep. It is pushing buds nicely thus far... And Usugumo, I can't tell if the tip is frost-damaged or not, or whether the buds are viable; I guess time will tell on this one.

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  17. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Maplesandpaws pictures 2&3 noticed you have them well protected (fence wise) is this for the local wild life deer rabbits etc?
    Forgot to post this pic of the first Butterfly of the season (Red Admiral) 01/04/14 wouldn't go on the Kashima only on the stepping stone at the side.
    pic 2 Vitifolium bursting nicely pic 3 Mizu Kiguri interesting branch formation and colouring, Kashima ,Shisigashira

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  18. maf

    maf Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Northamptonshire, England
    The ash grey areas of bark on the 'Squitty' are dead. Most likely a bacterial problem such as pseudomonas. If you follow the process over time you will see the black section, indicating active infection, moving down individual branches towards the trunk leaving behind dead grey tissue. When the weather gets warmer and drier the spread of the infection will stop. If the branch has been encircled by the infection it is dead as a dodo and may as well be removed immediately. If the infection does not go all the way around a branch then it has the potential to heal during the summer but you may be better off removing it anyway to halt the spread.

    This is probably going to leave a scar that may take some time to heal fully. The process is similar to that described above, with a black active area and greyish dead area, which will stop spreading once the weather warms up. The dead bark and cambium may fall away exposing the interior wood, but hopefully over the summer wound wood will close over this area.

    Actually this is going off-topic; as much my fault as anyone else's; maplesandpaws if you wish to discuss this further please start another thread.


    I am enjoying seeing the spring photo's, will have to see if I can find anything nice to take a picture of over the weekend.
  19. Houzi

    Houzi Active Member 10 Years

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    Kent England
    Ooh,haven't seen a butterfly yet Roebuck but there were bees searching the maples today :)
    As usual Shin deshojo steals the show at this time...positively glows when it's sunny.

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  20. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    Haha, only if you consider my two 50lb dogs wildlife! (Which they can be outside, lol) I had a large tomato cage over my Hana matoi for winter (we get ice storms), and put a large pillow case and burlap over/around to help with cold/wind protection. Apparently, I had it VERY well protected as a rabbit decided to have her babies literally under the rootball of the tree. Oh, and the tree was behind the fence, so she was also safe from the dogs. I felt bad, but I had to move the babies - no way am I having one of my favorite trees chewed up by a bunch of bunnies!
  21. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Ah!!! Hence the name Maplesand paws? maybe, can see the justification for the fencing with two large dogs.
    Good to see your JM waking up after your harsh winter wish you well for the season.
  22. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Super Shin deshojo mine has a long way to go before it reaches this size and beauty!! To say we are only 200 miles away your JM are certainly at a more advanced stage than ours "upt north" but no doubt soon we will all be looking our best.
  23. Houzi

    Houzi Active Member 10 Years

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    Kent England
    Cheers Roebuk,look forward to seeing your fine trees in their glory very soon :)
  24. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    Yep :) 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 1 uromastyx

    So far, so good - only one that I'm truly worried about. Yours look lovely!

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  25. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    I received my three new maples from Whitman Farms today, Summer Gold, Shishigashira and Beni maiko. As always, Lucile's trees are lovely and good sized. Can't wait to try out the sun tolerance of Summer Gold here in Kansas! :)

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