Sources for seeds of hardy citrus (z8/z7b)

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Olivio, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. Olivio

    Olivio Member

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    Philippsburg Germany
    I am from Southwest Germany and I am looking for seeds of Hardy Citrus like Citrus ichangensis or Citrus junos! Does anyone knows a source for this ? I have some interesting species for trade! Thank you
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Check with Trade Winds Fruit. Also consider posting your request in Citrus Growers Forum where I believe there are members from the Eurozone. You may have more success with seeds sourced closer to home.
  3. MickH

    MickH Member

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    Nottingham UK
    Hi everyone particularly the guy who needs Hardy Citrus seeds. Our tree here in the UK
    coped with minus 15C this last winter and is now pretty well covered with fruit. If the weather is kinder this coming winter there will be plenty of seeds which I would gladly send. I don't think a photo exists of this summer fruits etc but there is a couple of pics of our tree in November just before the snow came and then immediately after the snow came ---on the excellent site run by Mike Saalfeld. He is an excellent sorce of info on Citrus and the site is 'Home Citrus' but I type in 'Hardy UK Citrus' and the site comes up. The heading for our tree is Citrumello or Citrange in Nottingham UK
    growing outside. This site is well worth a look at if you are interested in Citrus. Mike is obviously very very keen on the Citrus subject........

    He says he's convinced it is a Citrumello/ Grapefruit cross with Trifoliata . I do respect his knowledge but I have a niggling doubt about this and believe since finding out it's a seedling tree after being paid a visit this summer by Clive Simms who was the chap who gave me the small tree in the first place 20 years ago. He was truely amazed by this tree and promptly took photos of it. As he says it could be unique due to it being a seedling tree and be something which is crossed between trifoliate and another citrus.I see the fruit on a Citrumello cross is stated as being 3 inch but the fruit on this tree has never been bigger than 2 inches in diameter -max. By the way I would not like to swallow the juice even with plenty of sugar in it as it has off flavours which spoilt a jar of base seville marmalade I made as an experiment ! ! ! My wife says, forget making any preserve out of it- it just would not work because the off flavours surely come through. After all said it is a handsome tree....

    I have'nt contacted Mike Saalfeld this summer but will do to send him another few pics for his site . I did send him a cutting and hope time does not catch up with me before it fruits ! ! ! Best Regards Mick in the UK

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