Identification: Sick Japanese Maple Sapling

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Connecticut Gardener, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Connecticut Gardener

    Connecticut Gardener New Member

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    Hartford, CT USA
    First time on the forums here, so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong location. Two years ago, I planted a small Japanese maple sapling in a small back yard here in Connecticut. Recently, I have noticed that about 50% of the leaves on the plant have been damaged (see picture attached). I am brand new to the gardening world, so I am uncertain if this damage is caused by bugs or by some type of disease. Any help identifying the problem, along with any suggestions on what to do, would be very appreciated.

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  2. patdero1

    patdero1 Active Member Maple Society

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    south east pennsylvania
  3. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    I agree probably bugs of some sort. They're not serious and to see the plant looking a bit ragged this late in the season is not a big issue. It's not being threatened. So for me the answer to "what to do" is probably: don't fret about it. ;). Here we see damage like this from a hail storm, also.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Agree with the previous contributors wouldn't be to concerned with the state of your young tree just an attack by some various species of bug/aphid/beetle.

    Had exactly the same happen to this young Hessei in the early part of the summer just basically removed it from it's pot and planted out earlier than what i normally would have.
    Seems to have rallied round nicely and put on some new growth but if you look carefully you can see some of the old leaves which were attacked, this tree really was in a state some three months ago basically nearly all the leaves had been damaged in some way.Just put all of this down to the mild winter we had over here, never had so many trees damaged by the bugs than this year.

    Hopefully it will be better next year don't worry!!

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