Tiny Black Spots On Jade Plant

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by vant, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. vant

    vant Member

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    Seattle, USA
    I have this six foot wide and five feet tall 12 year old indoor jade plant that has tiny black spots on its leaves. Can anyone please tell me what it could be. I am currently fighting the mealy bug and think I have it under control. I was losing a lot of leaves until I sprayed it 3 times with alcohol/water mixture and 2 times with Bonide spray and treated it with a systemic Bonide powder for the soil. Now I have no idea what these black spots on the leaves could be. Please help!
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada

    I have about 45 jade plants, all from a 14 year old baby that too is huge and absolutely spendid...
    Your problem is likey living in your potting medium...the infestation, the application of pesticides are a combination for disaster...I have had tremendous success from cuttings as large as 3 feet long, and perhaps you could restart your plant as a back up.
    The black spots could be a mold, I am uncertain, therefore would reccommend that you take a cutting to the nearest University Botantist/Horticulturalist...
    There are a myriad of possible causes for your problem...soil medium, watering pattern, humidity...age...seek hands on advice before you loose your spectacular treasure.
  3. vant

    vant Member

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    Seattle, USA
    Thanks for the tip. Someone else told me it could be a "scale" problem. The black spots don't move as far as I can tell so I thought it was a mold or fungus problem too. I can scape the black "spots" off the leaves with my fingernails. I'll try to get a hold of a botanist/horticulturist at the UW.
  4. tanoos

    tanoos Member

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    Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada
    Jade plants on Salt spring Island
    We have the same spots on all three of our plants, leaf spots are sort of "lumpy" or rough, black, and are fairly dense at the leaf junction. Some leaves are yellowing and dropping off. New leaves are spot free then get spotty. A horticulturist friend thought it could be a fungus, and a green house owner thought it had to be environmental as well. Definitely
    not an insect like scale or anything. I had those on an orchid and they were obvious.
    My theory is the humidity and rain? and have been advised to wait for sunny weather and see.

    Tony Macleod, SSI
  5. vant

    vant Member

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    Seattle, USA
    I discovered that the problem is the mealy bug and it needed immediate attention. I treated the jade plant with a systemic houseplant control by Bonide and also sprayed the plant with a mealy bug spray and that seemed to save the plant. I thought it was not going to make it considering that it had lost about 70% of its leaves. Now I diligently feed the jade plant the systemic insect control for good measure and the plant seems to be thriving.

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