Chicago fig tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Maltesegirl, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. Maltesegirl

    Maltesegirl New Member

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    Coquitlam bc Canada
    I live in metro bc. I bought a Chicago fig tree in April, just twigs, and now it has grown and sprouted and to my astonishment I have figs growing now at the end of July. Is this normal? I only thought that they bloomed earlier and now is the time for picking not growing. I guess it is to late in the season for them to grow and ripen huh?
  2. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    That'd be the main crop you see. Most figs make two crops a season, the breba crop which forms early on last year's wood and the later or main crop on this year's growth. In B.C., we typically harvest the breba crop only, as the main crop forms too late to ripen. Sometimes, with certain varieties in protected situations, the main crop ripens, but more usually the small figlets of the main crop get frost killed on the tree and fall off.
  3. Maltesegirl

    Maltesegirl New Member

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    Coquitlam bc Canada
    Thanks for the info. Mine is in a pot I wonder if I bring it inside if it would keep its figs until they are ripe.

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