coming soon!

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Unregistered, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    I am quite pleased to find the Maple Society.

    Now please pardon my sarcasm, but although I'm ready to join
    *right now* I have no idea why I should. I checked under the 'benefits
    of membership' to find they are "Coming Soon!".
    Well, until I know what the benefits are, my membership is also
    "Coming Soon!"

    I'll be checking back.

  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    It's being worked on. I've sent out an email to the folks who can supply me with the info, but they are on vacation. I can see where you're coming from, but the tone isn't necessary.
  3. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    An explanation of sorts.

    I asked the questions in the thread below so many of us
    would know what to expect from becoming a member
    of the Maple Society. I personally know most of the
    answers I asked but I asked the questions as if I was
    asking for someone else. I was hoping that members
    themselves would chime in and tell the rest of us how
    the Society benefits them.

    It has been my experience, that when people join a group,
    forum, club or an affiliation, that if the prospective member
    comes away with a feeling that being a member did not live
    up to their expectations that they will not remain a member
    very long. I had that same thing happen to me with two antique
    Art Glass clubs that I joined last year. What I was told by friends
    in the clubs that would happen certainly did not and I refrained
    from rejoining them this year.

    On a personal note: I am the guy that has probably caused the
    most trouble in this Maple forum. I have made some comments
    about Society members in a generalized fashion that can be
    construed to be curt in nature. I would not ever criticize the
    Society itself and the reason why is because I will be a member
    of the Society some day. Yes, I plan on being one of them that
    I have subtly criticized for not doing enough to help solve
    some of the problems in the past regarding Maples. Knowing
    full well that none of the current day members had anything to
    do with the derision of the past. They are not to blame as a
    Society or as individuals. The difference between me and
    others is that if asked to help I would gladly work on the areas
    that to me and a few others were issues of the past, whereas
    many people will say they will help and then we never hear from
    them again. I will put my money where my mouth is which may
    be good and it can lead to consternation but no one can say it is
    not that I do not care about Maples or the people that constitute
    helping make Maples an integral part of our lives.

    As a past web designer and still technical support for various
    individuals online, I can accurately state that all affiliations
    online experience some kind of growing pains. Certain things
    take time and usually if we are patient enough we can expect
    to see advancements occur in their due time. I would rather
    wait for a year or more rather than see pertinent information
    be posted online about a Society or a club that was rushed or
    was not totally correct.

  4. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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