Sad news! Maple was stolen!

Discussion in 'Maples' started by aromanowski, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. aromanowski

    aromanowski Member

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    Edinburgh, UK
    Hi everyone!
    I hope you are all doing well. I am writing to you to share my sadness as I discovered today that someone dug out my atropurpureum from my front yard last night and took it away. It had two years with us already.
    Talking with people that live nearby I heard stories about other trees being stolen, "Pindo" palm trees, "Sakura" plum trees and other ornamental varieties...
    It saddens me that I live in a city were people do not share the same values I do... :/
    I am so angry right now...

    Best regards,
  2. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    So sad...

    I've lived with unlocked doors for decades and I was robbed only once (two guitars that stayed in the basement garage).

    I think I heard the thief(ves), fortunately I've never had a firearm at home, it saved me from killing a drunk or a stupid teenager. The next evening I finished a bottle of malt whisky and came to the conclusion that we don't own anything, and that if what we have can help someone to have a meal, or have a dose of drug instead of attacking someone, or become an artist, so much the better.

    Of course, if it's a plant, a living thing, the risk of it dying in the dirty hands of a barbarian is there, and it's very sad.

    But I'm happy to live in a country where there is no "second amendment", so my own karma will no doubt be better than those miserable bandits.

    Let's just hope that where it is, it will become a beautiful tree.

    All things must pass...
  3. maplesmagpie

    maplesmagpie Active Member

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    Zone 5b, along Lake Michigan in WI
    I'm so sorry-- that's rotten. I've heard of people stealing potted JMs before, but not digging them up. What on earth??
  4. aromanowski

    aromanowski Member

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    Edinburgh, UK
    Thank you for your replies. I still cannot believe it, but i look out the window and the jm is not there anymore. I guess I will have to cut my losses and try to plant a bigger older tree or maybe one that is not as beautiful as a jm, so that it does not get stolen as well!!!
  5. Savageone

    Savageone New Member

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    Hamilton, ON, Canada
    I am very sorry for you! Reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: "What you work so hard to build up, other people take great pleasure in tearing down."

    I take great pleasure in my home, especially my "secret garden" in the back. I've only recently discovered the intrigue of Japanese maples (at the end of 2014), and planted quite a few last fall, which I am waiting very patiently to open up (we are way, way behind in this neck of the woods this year). Anyway, I found a perfect mikawa yatsubusa maple to go in my front, to replace a golden cyprus that never did too well there (perhaps a bit too much shade). Then I remembered that though I like to keep my front nice; I just don't care enough to do that. I had put a nice pot out there last summer, and then a few weeks later, I saw it on the lawn of my neighbour's - two houses over! I guess the neighbourhood kids thought that was funny! I actually chuckled to myself too, as I moved the pot into my backyard and determined that anything that I have on the front, I don't care if it "walks away". So now I usually put out heavy cement broken planters and thick logs artistically displayed - help yourself if you want to walk down the street with that stuff :-)

    So I have planted that MY in the backyard, and just trimmed the brown from the golden Cyprus in the front (which now makes it look quite good actually).
  6. aromanowski

    aromanowski Member

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    Edinburgh, UK
    Yes! I see what you mean. That is why i plan to plant something less attractive =/
  7. Maxwell77

    Maxwell77 New Member

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    Greensboro, NC
    I am very sorry for your loss. I am also very concerned with theft. My two furry friends help me a bunch with security. The big male. He will trade trees for cheeseburgers. The female? Not so much. You may get a tree, but you will not be wearing any pants. )

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