When to start a new vege garden?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by fmgee, May 31, 2007.

  1. fmgee

    fmgee Member

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    Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
    I take posession of my new house in mid-july and want to start a vege garden for next year. When is the best time to prepare the patch? This year or early next spring?

    I live on the east coast of Vancouver Island and having not been here for a winter I am not sure if there are any winter vegetables that might be able to handle the condition if I get to work straight away.

    Any suggestions about site location, preparing new beds etc would be greatly recieved.

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Summer good time to start from scratch as soil will be warm and dry, in good condition to be worked. Ideal spot sunny and out of wind, consider hedging or fencing if only suitable spot exposed. Work existing soil up into raised beds or add good topsoil if needed, using rocks, cinder blocks or timbers to hold beds in place if desired (edging beds with something that can double as a bench makes it possible to work from a sitting position later). Certain crops for fall or winter harvest can be planted in summer. After getting beds started with bulk organic amendments may want to try to maintain organic material levels with green manure crops. Monitor nutrient situation using sampling and testing of soil.
  3. AlexH

    AlexH Active Member

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    Port Moody, BC, Canada
    You might want to look into 'Lasagna gardening', which you could leisurely start to prepare right now.

    I would start looking at what areas you can plant in, and how much sun they get. Consider that trees and bushes will grow and if they are in a neighbours' yard, aren't very easy to prune back. :D

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