Indoor Orange Tree Question

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by odanstyle, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. odanstyle

    odanstyle Member

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    ontario canada
    Planning on buying an orange tree to be used in our living room , in a decently lighted corner in which the window points south.
    I've been trying to find an orange tree for sale , in the niagara region that would be small enough to fit in a living room, but still have a fruit that if/when it does come , would be sweet.
    So far the only luck i have had at all is in welland , a place called veermers , however they do not have any oranges that are sweet , only one kind actually , it was Caldoen (spelling).
    Or if an orange tree isn't recommended , prehaps another smaller fruit bearing tree that would be recommended , and how i would go abouts getting one.
    I appreciate any valid responses.
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    For an idea of which varieties are recommended for indoor growing have a look at the suggestions at Four Winds Growers:
    Calamondin is a good one for indoors. It's compact in size and flowers and bears fruit without any problem. I enjoy eating the fruit fresh even though it's sour. The peel is actually sweet and when eaten with the pulp offsets some of the sourness.

    Of the two oranges recommended for indoors, Trovita appears to be the better choice since it requires less heat for the fruit to ripen. This variety is fairly easy to find in my area in the form of a patio tree from Monrovia. I suspect this would also be the case where you are. Search the citrus forum for sources; there have been past postings from members in your province.

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