Garden Poppies/Papaver somniferum Collect-a-thon

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by WesternWilson, May 12, 2007.

  1. WesternWilson

    WesternWilson Active Member 10 Years

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    Tsawwassen, BC, Canada
    I have noticed with sadness that the local gardens, many of which are disappearing along with their elderly, long term gardeners, are less and less likely to hold those wonders of spring, volounteer old fashioned garden poppies, Papaver somniferum.

    They come in all sorts of red, purple and pink shades, some are single, some double. Some are ruffled, some are blotched. Some are exquisitely beautiful, some dreadfully ugly.

    I have managed to find a few packets of seed online, and have some flats started.

    BUT!!! I would like to have some Vancouver/Victoria/BC heritage seed.

    I would like to appeal to anyone with these growing in their own garden, or a local one who will allow you to collect seed, to please collect some seed pods and send them to me (I will send you an SASE if you like). I will mix all the seeds up, with a view to:

    a) planting a whack of these in a plot next year, in order to generate a nice crop of randomly crossed seeds

    b) distributing said seeds to interested parties

    c) re-establishing these lovely volounteers in area gardens.

    If you are interested, and will have some seed to share or recommend, message me and we can go from there.

    Thanks everyone!
    Last edited: May 12, 2007
  2. Carol Ja

    Carol Ja Active Member 10 Years

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    Salt Spring Island
    I didn't realize that there was a shortage of these, I collect seeds every year off of mine and give them to friends. Bit early to collect some, but I'll try and remember. I think I have a couple of varieties, one ruffled, one not.
  3. WesternWilson

    WesternWilson Active Member 10 Years

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    Tsawwassen, BC, Canada
    Hi Carol, and thanks! I am out in Tsawwassen, and many of the older gardens that had these pretty poppies are being lost when the old cottages are taken down and new homes put up. The entire yard is usually taken off and re-landscaped.

    I used to love seeing what new crosses came up every early summer treasure hunt.

    When you have some ripe seed pods, message me and I can send you an SASE.

  4. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    The seeds can remain dormant in the soil for decades, so just do some digging in any garden that used to have them. New seedlings will appear.

    Of course some people don't like the idea of having plants in their garden that are at least technically illegal to grow in some juristictions.
  5. WesternWilson

    WesternWilson Active Member 10 Years

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    Tsawwassen, BC, Canada
    Yes, I am very sorry for the illegality of the plant! They are so pretty, and I like the unpredictable way they pop up year to year, always changing.

    However, I believe seed exchange is legal.

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