Bark on Japanese Maple

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Carol Lenahan, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. Carol Lenahan

    Carol Lenahan Member

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    Penfield, NY
    We planted a Japanese Maple about 3 ft. high recently and I have 2 concerns. What is the best way to keep Japanese beetles off the leaves? Secondly, the bark below the branch area of the tree has changed colors from green to light brown. Is this normal?
    Thank you
  2. Kaitain4

    Kaitain4 Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Dickson, TN
    Bark color change is normal.

    Japanese Beetles "mark" your plant as a target food source and this attracts more and more of them. The best approach is to keep them off the plant early in the season before their numbers rise. I use a combination of hand-picking and a systemic insecticide (Bayer) that lasts 30 days. It won't stop them from coming to the plant, but a few bites will kill them! Also, picking off the most chewed-on leaves and putting them in the garbage will remove some of the "come-and-eat-me" scent mark they leave on the plant.

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