Can this Crabapple be saved?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by hexagon5un, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. hexagon5un

    hexagon5un New Member

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    Munich, Germany
    Hi folks,

    First time poster. Got some great help from reading up on Meyer Lemon trees from here, so I'm wondering if anyone can give advice on this crabapple that we got when we moved into a new house.

    Basically, it looks like it's been brutally pruned, and only one branch remaining is alive. The topmost section had fruit on it last Fall, but now appears to have given up the ghost. Is there anything to do that can save the remaining live branch, or do we need a new tree?

    Photos are (hopefully) attached. First is the whole tree, and then finally a closeup of the still-living bit.

    What to do? (And if you're feeling expanatory, why?)

    Thanks much,

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Most of it is gone, I'd take it out. Implication is there is something about the site that does not suit it.

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