Japanese Maple dying?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by colleend, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. colleend

    colleend Member

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    North Van BC Canada
    Help please! My Japanese Maple is dying, all the leaves are crinkling up. I've been watering it deeply. My biggest concern is that back in 2008, I believe it was, we had another very hot summer and I lost the matching Maple on the other side of the stairs. Same thing basically, leaves dies, dropped off, and in the spring...nothing. I'd say about 1/4 of the leaves are now dead. I'm hoping for some advice on how to save it, very sad if it's does die. I've included 2 pix, one from inside the house.

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  2. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Can you get a closeup of one or several branches where the leaves have died off?

    Possible you may be over watering... what frequency are you watering and how much? does the ground have a chance to dry completely in between? As an established tree the maple should be able to handle most of its water requirements, though a couple of deep waterings during a summer wouldn't be amiss.

    Not sure the leaf loss looks like that though. How hot has it been? This sort of maple should deal pretty well with sun and heat, hopefully.
  3. colleend

    colleend Member

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    North Van BC Canada
    Hello, thanks for your reply. I'm in North Vancouver, BC. Canada. We are in the middle of the worst drought in history, very little rain for 3 months and extreme heat. Ihave been watering but we are now on restrictions. I think my mistake was not watering out to the drip line, only around the trunk. I see all types of maples, in the parks, are also loosing their leaves.
  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    You may not believe it, but it's possible to kill a maple by over watering even in the worst drought conditions, especially if the drainage is less than perfect; although that's usually not much of an issue in Vancouver. Hence the question about frequency.


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