Geraniums flowers drying

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by alzubide, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. alzubide

    alzubide Active Member

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    Jordan, Amman
    I live in a mediterranean climate and have long growing geraniums in a southern-facing sunny spot with shade in the hot afternoon, The plants look healthy, but when they flower the individual flowers start to dry and die off before the whole bloom set of petals finishes, so I can never pick a flower that looks good,,, sometimes there will be only two or three of the whole bloom that will open and they already die off before the rest of the buds open. Sometimes the buds die before they open even if some of that bloom opened already. What do my plants need more or less of? Thanks!

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  2. emeraldgreenivy

    emeraldgreenivy Member

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    Naur jordan
    Hi, i have the same plant i believe, its a trailing geranium from holland?

    It is normal for geraniums florets to flower at different rates, but it sounds like your perhaps need more water, or maybe some more fertilizer.
    You might be interested in this web page, i found it extremely helpful to my gardening skills, especially living here in Jordan with the high temperatures, and the need to save on water.

    I hope this was helpful.

    By the way, do you know where i could find a range of succulent plants such as sempervivum here in Jordan?
    And how do you get your plants into Jordan?
  3. alzubide

    alzubide Active Member

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    Jordan, Amman
    Thanks for your message it was very helpful, yes I had overcome this problem by correct watering and fertilizer, and added some slow release fertilizer to the pots so they have enough nutrient while I’m away. This is a seeds raised verity called summer showers, I bought the seeds from Swallowtail Garden Seeds via mail order.
    Sempervivum easley can be found in Amman, you can go to Baqah (the street between Sweleh and Baqah camp) and you will find a lot of verities, to easy to cultivate in Jordan, even if you look around in Nauer you will find it.

    Thanks for your concern
  4. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Notice how one geranium bloom is made up of tons of little flowers? If some flowers have died but the whole bloom hasn't opened up entirely yet, just pull off the spent flowers and allow the rest of the bloom to open.

    I've been growing geraniums for years, and this is how I've always done things. Most of the time, the blooms open up fully together, but sometimes they don't, so this is what to do.

    : )

    P.S. Here is a geranium I am currently growing in my living room. It's called 'black velvet rose' and I grew it from seed...

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    Last edited: Aug 5, 2009
  5. alzubide

    alzubide Active Member

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    Jordan, Amman
    The plant looks very healthy and the flowers are amazing but I’m wondering where is the color of the Foliage has gone as it should be Chocolate
  6. emeraldgreenivy

    emeraldgreenivy Member

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    Naur jordan
    Holly berry lady: Thats one gorgeous geranium plant!

    I have over 10 looks like the same pot size, but definetly not as healthy and lush as yours.
    How often do you water it and fertilize it?
    And is this a 24/7 indoor plant?


    I live close to 4 nurseries here in Naur and visit them often, but i have yet to see any hens and chicks.
    I will try the places you mentioned as soon as i can.
  7. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Thanks you guys!

    Yes, the plant above grew entirely indoors in my south window - it has never been outside, ever. I germinated the seed, and it grew into the beautiful specimen you see above!

    Well, here's the deal with the un-chocolate leaves...

    I grew a real 'black velvet rose' geranium last year, also from seed. I collected seeds from the plant, and the pic above is the result of one of the seeds. Because 'black velvet rose' is a hybrid, I believe this is why the plant did not grow completely true to the parent plant that did have the chocolate leaves.

    Here's a pic of the one I grew last year. I do also have the original hybrid seeds, which I re-ordered this season. The plant above grew so well though, that I just couldn't throw it out.

    Here is last year's plant, which is where the seeds came from to grow my plant above. This one does have the chocolate leaves because it was grown from true 'black velvet rose' hybrid seed...

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