Pink Grapefruit tree

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by drdom2, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. drdom2

    drdom2 Member

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    Spring Hill, FL USA
    Hi, I live in Spring Hill FL, just to the north of Tampa. We moved from Chicago to the house we are in about 6 years ago and with it came lots of citrus trees. We have 3 blood orange trees, 2 tangerine trees, 1 pamello tree, 1 comquat tree, 1 lemon tree and one pink grapefruit tree. Being from Chicago, I know nothing about citrus trees, so we pretty much do nothing for them and they have been fine until recently when I began to notice the pink grapefruit tree and the lemon tree (which happen to be on the same side of the house...the north but not next to each other) have begun to die. First it began with a few dead branches and less fruit now it is lots of dead branches and very little fruit. I am primarily concerned with the grapefruit tree as it seems to ve very old and a large tree in our yard(although I would hate to loose either). Is there anything I can do to help them, or are they a lost cause once they begin to die? What can I do? We have never done anything for them not even fertilizer. All of the rest of the trees seem fine and really "over" produce fruit. So I'm not sure what happened to these 2. ANY help or advice would be appreciated!

  2. robv187

    robv187 Member

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    Hamilton Ontario Canada
    I'm not that knowledgeable at this kind of thing unfortunately, but there are some people here that can definately help you. What i can suggest though, is to take some pictures of the affected trees, so they can get a better idea of what the problem may be. I'm really sorry to hear about them dying, if all else fails maybe an arborist can help. Sorry it isn't much advice, but i wouldn't lose hope just yet. Could be a number of things, hopefully not a disease. Best of luck.

    Edit: I did a bit of research of diseases your grapefruit is prone to, it could be citrus canker. Do you notice any lesions on the branches or fruit?
  3. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Citrus are important crops in Florida, there will be Citrus growers associations who will have experts in citrus disease problems. Contact them, I'd think they will be willing to assist, possibly for free - it is in their interest to make sure there are no potential sources of infection hiding away in private gardens that could spread to commercial orchards.
  4. icon149

    icon149 Member

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    Raleigh NC
    i'd start with fertilizer, go buy some citri tone or some other citrus specific fertilizer and follow the directions on the bag, my guess is they have just used all there nutrient stores and are in dire need of food.

    I'm no expert, you might search the thread for some of Millet's responses to simliar problems, he is the expert.

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