Sores on Monkey Puzzle Tree?

Discussion in 'Araucariaceae' started by bargue, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. bargue

    bargue Member

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    Point Grey
    Sore on Monkey Puzzle Tree?

    My yard near UBC has a well established Monkey Puzzle tree that is 20 ft tall. Although I have noticed that many trees throughout the city have lost many of their lower branches, this tree has retained almost all of it's branches. Recently, a couple of the bottom branches have turned brown and died. More branches near the bottom of the tree have started to slowly turn brown. The brown discoloration starts near the tree trunk and expands towards the end of the branch. I have also noticed that there is a 6 inch open "sore" approx. 2 ft from the soil. This "sore" oozes sap and exposes the tree trunk to the natural elements. It almost seems as if the bark has burst open and exposed this "sore" slowly over time. There is also a few small areas on the bottom half of the tree where where sap oozes from the tree. The roots of the tree have not been bothered by construction, digging, etc. in the immediate area.

    Of course, it would be easy for me to think that many trees loose their bottom branches naturally. Yet, I do wonder whether this sore indicates a disease that may worsen over time. I have reviewed a number of web sites but have been unable to locate any details regarding diseases that may encourage a disease with open sores on this type of tree. Any chance that anyone has seen literature on this type of problem?

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2004
  2. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
  3. bargue

    bargue Member

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    Point Grey
  4. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    You're very welcome. Did you ever find out what is happening with your tree?

  5. E. Gail

    E. Gail Member

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    South Surrey
    We have sores on our Monkey Puzzle tree exactly as you have described. Our tree is about ten years old and it is very vigorous. Even the bottom branches of it are green and healthy. Two years ago a branch, half-way up the tree, started turning brown, from the trunk outwards, and in a very short time the entire branch was consummed. We were advised to cut the branch off, close to the trunk, and hope for the best. This we did, and the tree has been growing fine since. However, there are some areas on the trunk where sap is leaking out of what appear to be "small sores".
    Then, just a couple of weeks ago, we noticed that another branch, directly above the area of the removed branch, is turning brown near the trunk. Today, almost the entire branch is brown. We are reluctant to remove this branch, because it will seriously affect the balance and appearance of the tree. We are very curious to learn how your tree is doing and if you have been able to determine what the problem is and the best way to treat it.
    E. Gail
  6. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Even if it'll affect the appearance of the tree - still remove it. A dead branch won't make the tree look any better than a tree with a hole in the crown.
  7. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    Hi E. Gail,

    You might want to have a certified arborist who does diagnostics take a look at your tree. If you see sap leaking it could be some type of slime flux disease. Does it have an odor or a color? Is it attracting insects? Also, look closely at the junction of the branch and the trunk for cankers. They would be an odd growth on the branch or at the junction.

  8. E. Gail

    E. Gail Member

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    South Surrey
    (Second attempt at reply)
    Thank You Newt and Michael F. for your prompt replies. I have taken another close look at the tree. The areas that were oozing (at three of the trunk/branch junctions) have now crusted over (whitish, bubbly crust). As far as I know, the leakage had no color or odor. I have spoken with the folks on the UBC Hortline and they have suggested that the tree may be stressed from a lack of water. The Southwest coast of Canada has been quite dry lately. The tree had been getting some water, when we watered the lawn, but we hadn't given it any extra water. Now, we have thoroughly watered "The Peculiar Beast", and we're going to closely watch it over the next little while. I'll keep you posted.
    E. Gail
  9. oldjim

    oldjim Member

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    langley bc
    I am in Langley and my tree is showing the exact same symptoms as you are listing,did you ever find an answer or did you lose the tree?Would appreciate knowing.

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