Matsumae-beni-higoromo - Mid-season double pink frilly-edged flowers

Discussion in 'Ornamental Cherries' started by Caroa86, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Caroa86

    Caroa86 New Member

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    Port Moody
    Beautiful row of 13 boulevard trees @ Johnson and Meadowvista Coquitlam....My first post, meant to go in the coquitlam forum.

    Perhaps Prunus 'Matsumai-benihigoromo'

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2015
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I copied this from the Coquitlam Neighbourhood Blog, as it's a new cultivar for us. A person who did not leave a name or contact email added the location to our map, so I asked Carolina to photograph them.

    I was struck by the fimbriated (frilly) petal edges. Douglas Justice ID'd them (via email) as 'Matsumae-benihigoromo, as they are spelled in a book we have, though I think to be consistent, wouldn't we spell it 'Matsumae-beni-higoromo'?

    I have collected some info on this cultivar:
    Photos at: and

    Some description at (translate the page from google); doesn't mention the one feature I noticed.
    Description: umbrella trees 5-8 m tall, gray-brown bark, branches and thick gray-white shoots glabrous; young leaves of bronze or zelenobronzové, adults obovate, apex ocasovitý, base obtuse, 95-125 × 65-82 mm large, serrated, adaxially green, abaxially pale red petioles 24-31 mm; flowers 2-3, light red buds, flowers filled, 32-36 mm wide, (light) red petals elliptic, 16-17 × 11-15 mm large, 15-20, 42-50 stamens, sepals lanceolate, red-brown stems of flowers 24-28 mm high; fruits 5-8 mm wide, černopurpurové, rarely produces
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015

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