Identification: SE Penn. (US): Fungus or Lichen? Or both?

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by Miss Mia, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Miss Mia

    Miss Mia Member

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    SE Pennsylvania, USA

    I came across a tree branch while on a walk in some woods near my home, and I was hoping that someone here could help me to identify what I saw.

    The branch was on a living tree, probably 6-9 inches in diameter - and along its entire length was a pattern of alternating "stripes" of what seemed to be fungus and lichen.

    There are spots among the dark orangey splotches where the bark has been peeling-

    The fungus looks like a white shelf fungus (nothing too unusual there) but the dark orangey splotches in between the "stripes" of shelf fungus are what puzzles me...

    Is the dark-orange splotch a lichen which uses the fungus as a host, or is this just showing the lifecycle of a single organism? There are spots where the white fungus is flattened down (not shelf-like anymore) and show an orangey growth on top of the white.

    I am also looking to the ID resources online listed on this forum, but any help that anyone can lend in IDing this weird stuff would be appreciated!



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  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Greetings Mia,

    It's hard to tell without closer photos and a look at the underside of the shelving parts, but it is possible that some or all of this is Phlebia cf. tremellosa. If the texture was "flubbery", with no visible pores (or gills or teeth), then I think this is a possible ID.

    If instead the texture is leathery, knowing some details on the underside of the shelving caps would narrow down some other ideas. The photo #2 orangey-flattish growths look Stereum-ish, at least from a distance.

    Good question about the orangey splotch, and possible growth patterns. We've been seeing tons of Phlebia this year, and the different stages of growth have sometimes been demonstrated by the range of flat to shelving, and the range of deep salmon-colour to white/translucent. Similarly I've often seen the starting growths of Stereum and similar things as flat roughly circular patches, gradually growing shelving bits: Sometimes sections have whitened with drying, or changed colours due to colonization by algae or bacterial breakdown.

    Hope that is helpful. If you are able to post any close ups, particularly of underside of shelves/caps, that would be interesting to see.


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