How soon can I expect a response to my post?

Discussion in 'Forum Announcements and Feedback' started by Daniel Mosquin, Mar 12, 2003.

  1. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    The speed of response to any post depends on several factors.

    Generally, the Friends of UBC Botanical Garden who participate on the forums as "HortLine" answer questions Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons PST. However, they do occasionally post at other times. Often, some research is required to answer a question and that may cause a greater delay.

    UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research staff and researchers post as time allows. Please realize that the bulletin boards are an innovation - I know of no other botanical garden that uses similar software to foster communications between its staff and the gardening and botanical communities.

    However, with any technology, there are downsides. In this case, the short term effect is that there is "extra work" involved - and finding the time to squeeze in a researched response during a busy day can be difficult.

    The long term view is that we are building a shared and common resource. Unlike the telephone-based HortLine, a question asked frequently or infrequently need only be researched and answered once.

    Lastly, the speed of response can also vary depending on the participation of non-UBC bulletin board users. The more that people participate in both asking and answering, the more we can look forward to speedier responses and engaging and enlightening discussions.

    Thanks for your understanding and participation!
  2. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Daniel:

    It is not up to the friends and members of the UBC Botanical Garden to
    respond to the majority of inquiries. You have enough on your "plate"
    to start with.

    I think a little regreesion may be in order for some of the members of the
    various UBC Forums. It used to be to us oldtimers online that "netiquette"
    dictated that people would respond rather quickly to an E-Mail, a post in an
    online forum or a post to a bulletin board as it was perceived by others that
    the person that wanted the information did not want the information as badly
    as it may have seemed when they take several days to respond to someone
    else's post or E-Mail. I was not the person to gripe about it as I figured
    that the vast majority of the time that people would not respond to my
    posts anyway and they are still that way to my posts. What did bother others
    and to some it was the internet cardinal sin was to ask a question, then
    get an answer and not respond at all. I never let that bother me but others
    surely did. What has always bothered me and even though I do not like it
    I am used to it, is when I write someone, usually a professional, in regards
    to an area of their expertise and they go and hide, generally never to respond
    back to me. Even ones that later asked me for help, with my knowing full well
    they did not bother to respond to my E-Mail and I would remind them that we
    have some unfinished business that they need to address before I will entertain
    the notion of helping them with their so-called urgent request.

    It used to be that the majority of people online had little or no patience
    for people that took their sweet time in responding back to others.
    I remember when our web site was up for an award many years ago
    and I was told to take down the animated .gif I had on the first page
    all because it took a long time to load in. I felt and still feel it was
    the best animated .gif I ever made so I succumbed to an outside pressure
    and took it down off the site. I am sure you remember but I am not so
    sure that many people know it now that there used to be a netiguette
    factor in how long or quick a web site would load in. For about 3
    years the graphics intense web sites were looked down upon all
    because the pages loaded in slow and that was when the average
    modem access rate was less than a 28.8 kbps. I remember VRML
    sites that I used to frequent every day in which the first page might
    be 2 megabytes in total size that I could load in with little trouble
    with a 14.4 kbps modem. Now, the internet is so commercialized
    that many online news based web sites almost require a DSL or
    broadband cable modem to load in a page that is only 200k in
    size. The point being is that people must have evolved in being
    more tolerant of others being super slow to respond to their
    inquiries or their posts.

    It is not up to you or Douglas to answer all of the posts that you both
    dutifully will respond to. It is up to the members themselves to be
    a little more diligent and there are several that are. What people
    do not fully realize is that when they ask for help on a given
    thread and there may be some responses and perhaps a logical
    explanation or better yet and answer to their query, that it is
    common courtesy online to respond with only two words,
    thank you. Those two words are good enough for most all
    of us. It is when the thank you does not happen that some
    of us that may know the answer or have a pretty good idea what
    the answer may be, may not respond to someone that acts
    as though they do not care that others took it upon themselves
    to help and got a nothing for a response. It is up to the members
    of these Forums to meet the challenge of whether they want
    real participation or not, not solely you "guys" with the UBC.


    Daniel: go ahead and delete this as I cannot do it from
    this end. I was being silly thinking that anyone would
    have any interest in this post.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2004
  3. graftedmaplecollector

    graftedmaplecollector Active Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    friend of UBC?I guess so, I just answer questions if I know them or feel I know them.
    THATS a disclaimer ha ha ha!
    Watching trees or plants I own die really aggravates me so I help
    those out which(apparently) know less than I(small group lol).
    That seems like unspoken law on a site like this.

    P.S. oh by the way im only 29!:)
  4. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    Hi Daniel, I enjoyed reading Mr Sheps post and I figured I would throw my 2 cents in. I enjoy reading the questions and I enjoy reading the answers, I use this message board as a learning tool and as a relaxation center. I enjoy reading a question or seeing an ID picture and being the first to take a stab at the answer, more so when I am right! I think you and the UBC staff do a wonderful job of responding to the visitors to this site and I hope more of the friends of the garden get involved. I spend a few hours each night going through all the new posts and checking books or online tools to try to answer user posts, Mr Shep nailed it, a "Thanks" is all that it takes to make it worthwhile, I can survive without but its so much more of a happy, fuzzy feeling when you know someone appreciates the fact that we share our years of experience with them for no cost! Just for the record I run a landscape and arborist company and when I go to a site for consultation purposes, I charge by the hour, and I don't work cheap - my most valuable commodity is my knowledge and experience, when I give the answers and knowledge away here for free, I am donating a valuable thing ( I think so anyways :o). I appreciate when I can look at posts and see the answers of the experts, Mr Shep included (his posts are so detailed and thorough I can't figure out where he gets the time) and learn from them, it helps me make my living and I am grateful. The best way for me to pay back these experts is to try and help out here by advising those that I can and hope that they take what I can offer and try to pass it along. Keep up the great work Daniel Mosquin, David Tarrant, Douglas Justice, Quentin Cronk, Ingrid Hoff and the rest of the UBC staff and hortboard posters.
  5. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Paul:

    I have some frustrations of the past to get over, lay them to rest and
    move forward. I deal with plants in some way every day. My strength
    is in the growing aspect of many plants, whether they are for Agricultural
    or for Horticultural purposes. I’ve had four world renown plant men to
    learn from when I decided that I wanted to learn more of the Horticulture
    industry when my interest in Agriculture had been wavering for a number
    of years. Honestly, it was the learning something new for me which
    helped me overcome some of my reservations in Agriculture. Those
    gripes were mostly due to the people involved in politics that were
    making decisions for Agriculture which affected everyone involved in
    production type Agriculture.

    My enjoyment comes from asking myself a question about a plant that
    I see come up for identification or from a thread from this HortBoard.
    Many times I find myself looking up the plant in question online because
    most all of my better plant books are at my cabin to see if what I remember
    is still accurate or not. Just like in the thread dealing with Catalpa, the
    answer I got about that tree being invasive is what made that whole thread
    more than worthwhile for me. I learned the tree as being invasive and sure
    enough a leading University confirmed it. From that point further I do not
    care what the outcome is in that thread as I got what I wanted and for that
    I am grateful.

    We are going to have some derision in plants on occasion and to be honest
    that same type altruism has been going on for years. I will say it is indeed
    a pleasure for me to learn what plants are grown in areas other than ours
    that we have not tried to grow from a nurseryman's view point or in some
    cases know nothing about. It is not easy at all to learn from various web
    sites what plants you' in British Columbia grow as the web sites are quite
    limited in the number of plants listed as being grown where you are. I
    do know that Mr. Don Kleim felt that the Fraser Valley was the best area
    any where for him to grow his extensive collection of Japanese Maples,
    Conifers, Camellias and Deciduous Magnolias. It is a shame that he was
    not ever able to grow the plants he loved so much in what he felt was his
    ideal location to grow his plants.

    The UBC forums are still unsurpassed online for the ability to bring
    people together from many countries to discuss plants, ask questions
    about plants and to learn more about plants. These forums will continue
    to expand as I know of some of the people I know that have found these
    UBC forums recently and just wait until they start posting.

    Any more the only online entities that I spend some time on other
    than work related are the BBC for current news and these UBC
    forums. Even when I am a little discouraged with both I cannot
    stay away for a day, even when I am out of town and at times out
    of state.

    I completely agree that the staff and especially Daniel deserve more
    than a great deal of credit. They have devised a means to bring people
    together from a wide range of interests in plants and what may have
    seemed like a slow beginning will indeed become in time a major,
    quite possibly the leading, online resource for plant knowledge.
    What they all have succeeded in doing will become an immeasurable
    benefit to a large and expansive number of people world wide.

    As for you jimmyq, the highest compliment I can give is that there
    is no doubt in my mind you would be successful in what you do no
    matter where you are located. There are not a lot of people I can say
    that about, even people I've known for many years. It has to be a
    passion, not money or the feeling that it is just a job that drives us.
    There has to be much more than that and from what I've seen you
    would be a real asset anywhere. The post you and Chris wrote about
    the moving of the large Rhododendron is something that people
    down here, even the experts, do not fully comprehend. Where
    they would lose plants and have you guys already have the hardest
    part to learn all figured out and I am just in awe of you guys!

    Thank you for your nice comments but it should be me thanking
    you for being such an integral part of these marvelous forums.

    All the best,


    Snickles Art Glass
    Paigie(ms.shep) & Jim(mr.shep)
  6. i'm grateful for any help i can get. so it takes a bit of time, i don't care. i don't know much about things botanical (apart from spider plants, they're really easy) but if there is something i can help someone with, i will. spread the knowledge. glad i got that off my chest. thanks.
  7. casecord

    casecord Member

    Likes Received:
    Denver, Colorado
    Wow, gentlemen. That was quite a discussion for a beginner. May I just say that I look forward to a long and intellectually rewarding association with everyone at UBC. I just happened upon this site today, and counted my blessings. I find this web site to be a wishful and amatuer gardener's delight, in that at home I am surrounded by friends and family who have little or no interest in gardening and/or the environment. Myself, I find any excuse I can to be out working in my gardens, and enjoying nature. The more I learn the happier I am. So, I guess I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for "caring". Have a wonderful day!

    Regards to all
    Carol Ann
  8. Janice Inglis

    Janice Inglis Member

    Likes Received:
    Kamloops- (Rayleigh) Canada
    Very Interesting. I'm like Carol Ann.
  9. mkk

    mkk Active Member

    Likes Received:
    United States
    It looks like everyone is an expert on something,which I am not. I just like to fool around with plants organically grown and will help if I can.
  10. juddde

    juddde Member

    Likes Received:
    Houston,TX USA
    I'm so happy I found this site! It's a gem. Thanks for doing this.

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