Year 5 and still my WISTERIA has no blooms !!

Discussion in 'Vines and Climbers' started by doodle, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. doodle

    doodle Member

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    I planted my wisteria into the ground in my backyard 5 years ago. It gets full sun. It has grown all the way to the top floor of my victorian house. (50 ft). I prune the HECK out of it evrey summer and late fall. Last year I was disappointed when it didnt bloom- heard it takes them 3-4 years. So I was told to HAVE NO MERCY and really prune it back. I pruned it last November so that everything smaller than 3/4 inch was cut off. Only the trunk and the major stems were left.

    With anticipation I have waited- and now- it seems it has decided to NOT BLOOM. My leaves are coming out, to my dismay.

    A neighbor up the street has a Wisteria and hers has started to bloom .

    I am so sad. What can i do? What am i not doing? Should I rip it out and start over with a new vine?

    Please help.
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Got one of these ages ago; the tag with it said seven years before flowering, and that's about what it took.
  3. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Also be careful you don't prune the flower spurs off. Just remove the runaway stuff (new growth) and leave the main stem (s). I have to say mine started blooming pretty quickly (1 or 2 yrs) It is also a very rampant grower up to the balcony and beyond. It gets only morning sun as my house faces east west and it is on east end. It does have access to water from laundry outlet and has not suffered in the drought at all. Infact it is getting ready to show me it's golden autumn glory. Then it gets a short back and side.
  4. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    I hope this helps. Ohio State University fact sheet on growing Wisteria. According to this information, it can take 10 - 15 years for a plant grown from seed to flower. Those that have been propagated via cuttings will typically bloom quicker...but it made no mention of a timeline. So, your situation may be totally normal and what you are doing may be the right thing. From this information, it looks like you just might have a few years to wait. : (
  5. BRgal

    BRgal Member

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    Hang it there!

    I waited 10 years before mine bloomed! It was always elegant looking so I really did not mind the wait. I grow mine in a pot and it drapes itself along the top rail of my sundeck. It is flowering now -- fragrant lilac blooms.

    Good luck

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