West End / Stanley Park

Discussion in 'VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs' started by wcutler, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    Part 2 of the walk. You were just at the entrance to Stanley Park at Comox St.

    Walk from here to down to the golf course to see this single 'Atsumori' just north of the golf course entrance. It's not in bloom, but there are plenty enough blossoms to get an idea of what it looks like. But when there are more blossoms, the brown rot won't be as visible.
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    Walk to the left past the golf course entrance, then down the Magnolia/Camellia path alongside the course. At the bottom, across the bike path is a row of 'Snow Goose' planted last year.
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    Leave the park either via the heronry or along the water, and come back to Cardero, on the south side of Davie to see two 'Ichiyo' starting to bloom.
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    The 'Kanzan' lining Davie are just about to open. You can probably see a few open blossoms. If you want to fit in two more cultivars, walk on Cardero to Pendrell, turn right at the just about finished 'Akebono' and mid-block on the south side are three trees with white blossoms. The two outer ones are 'Umineko' and the middle one is 'Shirotae'. All along Pendrell are two or three 'Mikuruma-gaeshi' per block.
  2. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    Re: West End, Stanley Park-Beauty of Rancho

    I would like to show the Beauty of Rancho. They are blooming at Davie St., Lost Lagoon, Harding Monument and many places in our neibourhood.

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  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    I've been calling these trees 'Somei-yoshino', but today they clearly were not that. Now I think 'Umineko', except that the shape of both of them is sort-of wrong, as they're more droopy than upright. The blossoms, green leaves, leaf margins and serrated sepals all match for that ID though. So they're either battered 'Umineko' or one of about 10 other possibilities we don't realize could be growing here.
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    If you find anything in focus in this first photo, let me know.
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    The 'Shirotae' at Lost Lagoon are in full bloom, as are a few 'Rancho' off in the distance.
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  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    In bloom now are the pairs of 'Ichiyo' visible from the back lanes between Barclay and Nelson (pictured here) and Nelson and Comox, between Cardero and Nicola.
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    The 'Takasago' are looking really good this year. In fact, this one on the west side of Cardero north of Comox has a lot of areas that don't even look sick. Mostly it's hard to get a nice blossom shot on 'Takasago' in this city without showing brown rot.
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    Here's the unpruned version of what we're calling 'Shidare-yoshino' until some better name comes along. This is on Haro at Chilco. The limbs have actually been pruned, but it doesn't get trimmed to look like a garden ornament.
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  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    The 'Yae-beni-shidare' on Bute at Barclay is in full bloom now, or just a little past.

    Down Barclay in that block west of Bute, on the south side, the Not-an-Ukon is about 40% in bloom. I thought there were already lots of photos of it in this thread, but I guess they're all in the Cultivar IDs forum - Gyoiko, and Ukon or not? Greenish white doubles, bronze leaves, mid-season. It's referred to there as the Barclay tree.
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    The 'Pink Perfection' that used to be a pair in the private planting in shown in posting #58 is now a single. The other was being taken over by its rootstock; this one seems to have been cleaned up and is starting to bloom. I thought 'Pink Perfection' bloomed after 'Kanzan' but this is just a little ahead of the downtown 'Kanzan' trees.
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    The other 'Pink Perfection' nearby, a street tree, wasn't showing signs of life.
  6. eteinindia

    eteinindia Well-Known Member VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Tokyo, Japan but I still miss Vancouver
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    Wendy, as I said before, the Barclay tree is Ukon. Ukon can have flowers with green lines. See p214 of Gakken Book. Nowadays Asagi-akura, Kizakura and Kogane-zakura are suppsed to be another name of Ukon. So only 2 official cultivars exsit for yellow and green cherry. Gyoiko is supposed to be late blooming.
    By the way, I can't see the translation of the Idenken site which you attatiched to Gyoiko blog, can you and other scouts?
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    The 'Kiku-zakura' on Robson between Gilford and Chilco, north side, has buds open 1-2 cm, showing what I see I described in the Kiku-zakura - Pinky-white chrysanthemum, upright, very late thread as "accessory sepals on the main flowers". I must have read that somewhere. These are very nifty-looking buds. See the Kiku-zakura thread for what the full blooms look like.
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    The two 'Tai Haku' on Nelson east of Chilco are coming along nicely.
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    These were just little guys two years ago (posting #47).
  8. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    I was sure I knew every cherry in the West End, but here is a group of nine 'Ukon' that I saw today for the first time, in the lane behind 1888 Alberni, at Gilford. It's quite a private planting, but quite visible now from the lane. In the photo, it's easier to see the yellow colour by comparing it to the white on the wall sign. On the street, the yellow colour is obvious.
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    Behind these trees are three tall upright cherries; I'm not sure what cultivar they are. I think zooming in on one of my photos I can see a wilted white flower with a bulbous pedicel. One to try to remember for next year.
  9. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    It's a little late for these 'Shirotae' at the Japanese Memorial, but everyone on the Easter Parade walk today was impressed by them, and they still are very fragrant. That's cherry scout Gonul in the third photo.
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    The 'Ojochin' right at the Memorial is in peak bloom. Scouts Dingren and Dinsue are are in these photos. I don't think there's a photo posted of the bolt that's holding this tree together, so here it is. I can think of more enlightening photos of this construction, but I didn't take one.
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  10. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    Re: Stanley Park-Shujaku

    I saw this rare cultivar 'Shujaku' near the maintainance gate of Staley Park Golf Course with Douglas Justice & Wendy Cutler on a rainy day, April 6 and alone on a sunny day, April 9. These flowers are shown here for your appreciation.

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  11. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    I have to post my favourite 'Kanzan', on Pendrell, my favourite street, the 1100 block, west of Thurlow.

    This block has some nice young 'Akebono', several 'Mikuruma-gaeshi', and one each of 'Shogetsu' and 'Shirofugen' that bloom close enough to each other (in location and time) to compare the two. The 'Shogetsu' is in the foreground; the 'Shirofugen' is in back of it in this photo, with the bronze leaves. The houses on this street and one block over on Comox have been renovated and have heritage designation. There's a community garden in the lane to the north behind them.
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    It seems to be the season for pink. I was heading for the 'Schnee' on the next block.
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    Next month, I'd love to get a photo of this 'Shirofugen', across from the beach on Thurlow, when the blossoms are pink and the leaves are green. [edited 2010apr27 by wcutler:] I took the third photo on April 27 - it only took two weeks for the colour change.
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    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  12. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    'Kanzan' in parks: the park next to the Lord Roberts Annex (elementary school), which was redesigned last year with community garden areas, an off-leash dog park, and a water feature (seen in an earlier photo); and a mini-park on Jervis at Burnaby St. [edited by wcutler 2010apr16: I replaced the second photo with a sunnier one from the next day, and corrected the street] The 'Kanzan' here are at the end of the mini-park, and continue up Jervis for a few blocks. One block over on Bute, there are many blocks of 'Kanzan' The darker pink tree in the foreground is a crab apple.
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    One of the old 'Shirofugen' at English Bay down from Jervis was removed when sewer work was done, but three new ones have been planted. There's an avium 'Plena' in the park area on the way up to the street.
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    Last edited: Apr 16, 2010
  13. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    The two 'Shirofugen' on the beach side of Beach Ave are in bloom now; they started a bit later than the one on the north side of the street. I know I said two years ago there were three on the beach side, but I think there are only two there now.

    The two 'Shirofugen' at the seawall down from Jervis St, pictured from above in the previous posting, make a nice spot to sit on a nice day (that bit of construction across the seawall doesn't really steal the scene the way it does in the photo).
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2010
  14. stoneangel

    stoneangel Active Member VCBF Cherry Scout

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    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    The view on Beach is lovely! That Shirofugan certainly fills out.
  15. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    The blossoms have already started to take on their pink colouring at the 'Shirofugen' grove at the Japanese Memorial in Stanley Park.
  16. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park - Whitcomb favourites gone

    The fourth row photo in posting #124 below, that says: "two trees at Haro Park Manor, at Bute" - those were festival favourites in 2008. They're gone now. The 'Kanzan' next to where they were is still there.
  17. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    I thought I remarked on this 'Akebono' with a split personality two years ago, but I guess not. The photo on the left, taken at Sunset Beach next to the roller blade area, is from October, 2008, and the one on the right is from today, and both show this tree with yellow (fall colour) leaves on the south side and green leaves on the north side. The 'Akebono' next to it, part of the same planting, isn't behaving like that, so I don't think it's the light. It just looks like the grafts are from two different trees.

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  18. stoneangel

    stoneangel Active Member VCBF Cherry Scout

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    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    That's so funny. I guess there is one in every crowd, even among trees.
  19. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West End, Stanley Park

    I don't remember what this is, and it doesn't seem to have been posted before. Today I was taken by the roots (well, not literally) - I guess not having blossoms to distract me helped. This doesn't seem to be grafted. I think I remember the blossoms being hard to photograph. I'm guessing 'Somei-yoshino'. Sorry about the leaves not being in focus, but they give an idea of the shape. [edited 2011apr09 by wcutler: it's 'Shirotae'! I'll see that there's a photo posted when it's in bloom - it's several days behind the one at the community centre]

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    Last edited: Apr 9, 2011
  20. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Ah! Another year, another chance to get these miserable little 'Autumnalis Rosea' blossoms in focus on these ratty little trees. I know, I haven't really succeeded yet. These at Thurlow in the lane north of Harwood, and the last photo at Lost Lagoon, are looking as good as ever. The blossoms are a lot smaller than they would seem to be in that third photo - well under 2cm.

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  21. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I actually noticed the colour on these 'Autumnalis Rosea' at Pacific Heights Co-op as I was driving by, and you can clearly see that they're in bloom from across the street. These are looking showier than the ones in Dunbar and UBC, though those ones are clearly in bloom as well. I decided not to wait for the rain to stop, as there's no indication from the weather report that it will.

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  22. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    These are the Thurlow lane trees again, and blossom photos from the miserable little planter box trees on the patio atop the parking garage. But those planter box trees are small and it's easier to get blossom photos from them, so they serve my purpose.
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    The larger blossom is from the planter box trees and the smaller one is from a tree on the lane below. The diameter of the Canadian nickel is 2.1cm. I was thinking it would be warmer on the patio, but the lane trees are right up against a southwest-facing wall, so they should be just as warm. Maybe whoever so carefully prunes the planter box trees fertilizes them too.

    I meant to comment that the very few blossoms out on 'Accolade' trees now are about the same size as the 'Autumnalis Rosea' blossoms, with a few being a bit larger.
  23. Megami

    Megami Active Member 10 Years

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    New Westminster, BC
    Here are some shots I took yesterday of the Thurlow trees.

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  24. Megami

    Megami Active Member 10 Years

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    New Westminster, BC
    Some shots taken today of the 'Autumnalis Rosea' at Lost Lagoon
  25. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I have to post these 'Whitcomb' before the frost predicted for this week kills the blossoms. The first photo shows a tree that I have to say is in full bloom. It's one of three on the north side of a high-rise, and the other two are hardly in bloom, but they have maybe 5% open blossoms and the rest very full and very pink. The open one is nearest the building and seems to get steam from the nearby exhaust blown onto it. The next tree is north of Pendrell along the path next to the park. The third is the half-tree on Nelson at Bute, and only about half of it is almost completely open; the rest is hardly open.
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    Here are some 'Accolade' blossoms on the trees in the mini-park at Chilco and Comox. There's just a scattering of open blossoms on all the trees.

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